Thursday, November 13, 2008

my invention the portable pocket by ken

My invention is a pocket that can attach itself to any solid surface.

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A crude picture. the others wold not load. :(


A good picture is below:

My invention is a pocket that can attach to any solid surface. It can hold anything about the same size as an iPod nano. it uses very simple technology and is quite easy to manufacture. The price is about $10, and it can be used almost anywhere. It even works in space! it uses biotechnology developed in a secret lab in Switzerland that tightens when it is touching a solid. it also form a vacuum that allows it to stay connected to flat walls, or even ceilings. A chip can be activated that releases the vacuum and relaxes the grip, but a code is required.


Sachin...Bow Down To Me Weaklings said...

a pocket ????? that goes on trousers mate

di said...

Good idea but uhmm... how does that work exactly?

Random.Penguin said...

Portable pocket.. isnt that already made?

Sachin...Bow Down To Me Weaklings said...


Ara said...

i don't think i get your invention...

HMG, Malan said...

ur invention is good, but i still don't understand the way it works.

Bookworm said...

ok.. i agree with ara

irina™ said...

a portable pocket can be stuck on a laptop! so you can carry the wireless mouse. haha. but that'd be cool and explain it more. a picture of it =]

Sachin...Bow Down To Me Weaklings said...

ken are you talking about handbag???

irina™ said...

sachin i dont think he is. i think youre underestimating him

EFUA :) said...

I don't understand how it works. maybe you could write more about.

irina™ said...

ha. i get it.
i'd like that..
i'd totally buy it.
i'll put stuff everywhere.

Aman.. Andrew...Andy said...

Simple, don't really think will need it though. Maybe if it had more features I might buy it...