Thursday, November 13, 2008

My invention, the computer with a printer.


Sachin...Bow Down To Me Weaklings said...

HOW are you meant to type cause the printer comes where im going to sit so do i sit sideways or what???

Random.Penguin said...

The printer is on 'eject' form . In this form, it allows things to be scanned. Otherwise, it is slid underneath and wont be in our way. Also, the printer would print the paper from the side so it would be easy to collect.

Sachin...Bow Down To Me Weaklings said...

ok so when it satrts to print do i run away before that thing goes out like a cash register????

and what stops the printer from being crushed and where do u insert the paper???

di said...

You should invent this for laptops, that's where the problem really comes up.

irina™ said...

ermm that is cool. BUT isn't it an invention that already exists? but it's a very good invention. Is it a laser printer or normal?

Ara said...

it looks really cool but it looks like it has been already made... did you really like re-make it?!

Sachin...Bow Down To Me Weaklings said...

its been made ??? COPYRIGHT HAYATO

Bookworm said...

looks cool...and yess u shud do it for laptops

HMG, Malan said...

nice invention, i think it would be better than having another device to print. i would buy it, if i didnt have a printer and computer.

Ken said...

I agree with malan. If it was on a laptop, it would become quite bulky. Correct me if otherwise. Overall, this is a god attempt compared to most of the others.

EFUA :) said...

cool idea. I agree, it would be better on a laptop