1) Technology- Units
Invention- During this unit we were told to imagine ourselves to be aliens visiting earth and our objective was to make an existing technology better. I personally, after having studied the different types of technologies present, chose to make a new and improved PSP. The main feature was the dance application. The Dance application enabled people with a PSP to execute the dance moves they had never been able to do. The process of creating it was long and tedious. I had to work a lot with Photoshop. I had to make a sleeker and a cooler looking PSP, which didn’t look like the older PSP’s. I also worked out the logistics as to how it could be made faster. I later on found out that they even made the changes I had to their new product.
T.V. Commercial- We then were told to commercialize a product of our choice, which was initially limited to sodas. My group did one on Nike bottle for starters. We planned the whole sequence and shot it in one class period. We then edited the clip on IMovie making sure it didn’t have any spoofs. We also added transitions.
Later on, we were then allowed to broaden our horizons and we (Diane, Hayato, Ken and I) decided to advertise the chess club. We went through the process anyone making a commercial would go through. We planned out the sequences, kept time frames in mind, thought of transitions and music etc. It was a fun process and I was incredibly proud of our final product.
Blogs- Our next topic was blogging. We created blogs for our inventions so we could portray them to the other tech class. We created our own blogs and then invited other members to come view it. We added pictures with our inventions to make it look more appealing. The basic idea was to present our “inventions” and to do so we had to explain our processes. We learned how to make a blog, what you could add to a blog etc. It was fun experimenting with blogs and updating them.
Game Making- We then moved onto creating games. I had a lot of fun during this unit. I also met some very harsh technical difficulty. I initially started by researching the different types of games there were. I also had to bear in mind that the game I produced had to be educational. I first started my game on game maker, My game consisted of bullies and making the right decision as to how to deal with them. The program didn’t work on MAC’s so I decided to make a Powerpoint Jeopardy. I spent a lot of time and effort into creating it but I unfortunately lost the pendrive I had it saved on so I had to redo the whole thing which was really very annoying. Making a powerpoint jeopardy isn’t hard but creating hyperlinks is a long and tedious process.
Podcasts- Podcast 1: Our first podcast was supposed to be about ourselves. Malan and I enjoyed exploring garage band. We experimented with pitches, music and content. We finished it within classes but lost it due to some problems on the network.
Podcast 2: Our second podcast was on MUN. For this blog I collaborated with Ara and Malan. We first planned what we were going to say, chose suitable music and then recorded it . We had success this time and were
able to turn it in.
Reflection- I think that overall we had a great year in tech. We learned new things and how to work with different applications. I felt challenged during the whole time and felt that I was actually learning something valuable and fun. I appreciated the freedom we were given to explore. I especially enjoyed working on the games even though I had the misfortune of losing one and not being able use the other one. I also felt that the topics were creative and effective. All in all, we had a very good time in tech and gaine
d some valuable experience.
Application of Knowledge: I think that I can use all the thing I’ve learned in tech in the future. I can even use it in my school career for Yearbook
or something else. Knowing how to use IMovie and Photoshop properly are valuable skills. Furthermore, I can use it even after I pass out to make DVD’s and to edit photos if such a thing interests me. I think that this years Technology class was very productive and speacial credit needs to be given to Miss Jackson for teaching it to us.
About me: I am an Indian guy who goe
s against every stereotype you ever had. I am tall (6 ft), not the smartest kid in my class ( still up there but not at the top, that's some American guy (another sterotype eliminated) ( I am talking about ken in the sense of brains). I am 14 years old and have been living in Ghana for 3 years now. I am now going to leave and go to India to study in an Indian school. I like playing video games, reading manga and reading books.